Monday, 21 September 2009

Dears, dears, dears,

I am in PARIS! Already for 6 days and still i can`t believe it is all happening to me. Tomorow is a big day for me, I am finally moving to the apaprtement where a bunch of cool different people will live with me. My roommate is gonna be Marishka, a lovely english girl, she seemed very friendly and nice when we talked, so i hope everything will go well.
The past days were passing so slowly, i guess because a lot of new emotions were experienced, new places discovered, new people met. I am truly loving this place, the atmosphere of the city, night walks and parties.

Have to say that i have done a lot of things for the first time here. Including - dancing with Kelly Rawland in "when love takes over" on the red carpet :D

On the 4th day of my arrival I was invited to the french wedding, the bride was sooo beautiful I couldn`t take my eyes of her. I had amazing time, full of laugter, new people around and good atmosphere. I have to say that the marriage was quite extraordinay because it was between russian "belle" and african. Quite unique, huh?

here are some pictures

Oh, and almost forgot - it was ME who cought the wedding flowers! Unbelievable!

Love you all. Nath


Manju said...

sounds like so much fun!!!
the bride looks absolutely gorgeous!and you caught the bouquet too huh! so cool! ^^
btw hun, remember that pearl headband? i went looking for on for you but they were all sold out :( i'm so sorry :(

Winchester Manor said...

I know sometimes that it's hard to be in a new place but if I could switch lives with you I would in a second. I've always thought that I was born in the wrong country, I'm sure I was supposed to be French and not American! ha!!

Good luck in your new apartment with your new roommate.

Wishing you well, I can't wait for your next post! Was that a photo of you on the left in the last picture in your post?

Hugs to you,

Heidi Rose said...

Have fun! (You look lovely in the pictures)

Liga said...

I guess that means that you'll be the first from us, huh? :D the thought of you or anyone else from the girls getting married, well it's funny and little weird, isn't it? :D
And yes- keep having lots of fun there! And keep us updated!

Annisa NF said...

Cute header & lovely post. Nice! :--}

serene chaos said...

Thanks for your comment on my cameo-post on Louis' blog.

You have a very interesting blog. Will be stopping by again soon. Enjoy Paris. I'm sure you'll love it! :)

Nat said...

Guys, thanks for commenting, i am the girl in the middle on the first picture, and on the right on the picture with car. :)