Monday 29 March 2010

just can't stop laughing!

Sunday 28 March 2010

So happy to be with one of the dearest people in the world (Liene, Lieniite, Nico and Alla)

Thursday 25 March 2010

if u just knew what i want...

Tuesday 23 March 2010

I hate dreams. I really do.
They are weird and sceary and bad and not true!
I'd rather didn't fall asleep at all than saw the dreams that I see...

Monday 22 March 2010

Had two very very and again VERY difficult tests in methodology of english and british civilization! Mentally exhausted!

Oh I miss that time when we would go out and take photos.
And then we would go back home very late or stay till very early in the morning smoking waterpipe and laughing...
And life seemed so innocent then...
Like a Dandelion parachute ball...

Sunday 21 March 2010

I love how it rains all night! It makes me dream about good things while listening to raindrops. And then you open the window and feel the air, the summer scent...

Saturday 20 March 2010

won't stop

I swear it's you
I swear it's you that i waited for
I swear it's you
I swear it's you that my heart beats for
And it ain't gonna stop
It just won't stop!
I just forgot how much I love this song! To death!

Wednesday 17 March 2010

shoes shoes shoes shoes shoes partout!!!

Tuesday 16 March 2010


Veel viens smiekliigs incidents!
Shodien metro peec jaunaa darba (yeei) man priekshaa seedeeja sieviete (ap 30). Seezh, seezh... tad izvelk no somas shkjiivi ar kuuku un dakshu! Un saak eest! NU KAS IR AR JUMS CILVEEKI? WHY ARE YOU SO BIZZARE????? :D lool

Monday 15 March 2010


Ok guys! The joke of the day!
Somebody just stole all my panties from the laundry!
Heeellloooo! Is it normal? People???
I am quite sure it was a guy I saw in the laundry! He was checking me out and then when i left (for some half an hour)... he waited and picked all the panties out from the washing machine!
Heeellloooo again!!!
Looks like his girfriend will have a present! Or what else is he going to do with them? Frankly, I have NO idea!
How lame!
However this incident will cost me much!

Saturday 13 March 2010

H2O 3. sezina ir klát!!!!)))


Jau ieprieksh atvainojos visu latvieshu priekshá par to, ko teikshu, bet diemzhél latvieshu valoda nekam neder. Neviens vinju nezin, nevienam vinja nav vajadzíga. ça sert a rien de la connaitre. Tá ir! Un mani te uztver ká trilingue (trís valodígo cilvéku lol), kaut gan es esmu ísts un neviltots chetrvalodígais! :D

Bet nu labi! Patriotisma péc es tomér priecájos, ka zinu sho valodu ( pamazám sáku gan aizmirst). Priecájos par visiem LV superígajiem cilvékiem, Jánjiem, júru, un tá...

Pamazám sák gribéties uz máju pusi! Ípashi jau vasará, kad bús silts! Un es beidzot redzéshu savu másinju, kas jau párvértusies par tádu lédiju, ka ak vai! Pieméra pati sev kleitinjas un danco spogulja priekshá!
Es vinu noteikti njemshu pie sevis, kad paaugsies.
Tádai lédijai jámácás un jáaug Parízé!)

Thursday 11 March 2010


árpráts, franchu kulinárija ir kaut kas neiedomájams! Shodine édu gliemezhus, pagája vismaz divdesmit minútes lídz es dabúju vienu no vinjiem savá muté! Nu vienkárshi nevaréju sanjemties! Párák biresmígi likás! BET izrádás tik njamígi, tieshám!!! Gribu gribu gribu gribu vél!

Un tad vél ja esat franchu restoráná un pasútat kádu galju, jús nedomájat ka jums atnesís normáli saceptu galju, bús jums 2 sekundés apcepts bivshteks, tá lai no árpuses ir brúns, bet iekshá viss ir jéls un glotains... fui fui fui fui...

un kas ir vél trakák! Jús zinat noteikti ká taisa kotletes? To masu no sákuma uztaisa un tad sataisa bumbinjás un tad cepj! Tad lúk franchi necepj!!! Vini vienkárshi to masu éd ar kartupeliem, vnk pretígi!!! tieshám fui fui fui! shodien Nico pasútíja to édienu un tas pietam vél ir vina mílákais! UN es nepárspíléju - vienkárshi auksta jéla maltás galjas massa ( ar olu un piedevám iekshá).

Dzívniekédáji!!!! Un vél vini nenoliedz faktu, ka varétu tápat vinkárshi jélu dzívnieku apést, jo tieshi tur slépjas galjas ístá garsha!


Wednesday 10 March 2010

I am waiting for that stupid call!

Regina Spector - Dusseldorf

Monday 8 March 2010


"We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets."
Marilyn Monroe

She was wonderful.

Friday 5 March 2010


Trying to find my identity! National identity. Who am I? Russian? Latvian? What am I doing in France? And why am I writting all this in english? It's too confusing.
I'd like to have a blog written in my language.
But I simply can't.
Like half of passporttoparis readers I know doesn't speak latvian... or russian (?)

I am just wondering.. later, when maybe i'll have my children and grand-children or I don't know... somebody who would be interested to read the blog (my sister for example), why would she read all this in english?

it is complicated

Wednesday 3 March 2010

я думаю о жизни..

Jehh Buckley - Hallelujah