What a fantastic cup of hot chocolate we had in a little Parisian café with a cat on the table! Perfect place!

We had a walk in the Luxembourg garden and made some photos with Marion
She is a perfect model and reminds me of Karine Ferri, that model I wrote a post about a couple months ago!

And this is the main building of Sorbonne! Pretending to be wise! My face- expression is the best, as always... FAIL :D

Chilling in the garden. It's beautiful there

viņai tiešām ļoooti smukas bildes! pieņemu, ka tu bildēji.. baigi foršas!
*tu nevari iedomāties, kā mums te puteņo! vnk Aļaska!!!
jaa, protams es)) citas jau noteikti neliktu)))
aarpraaats.. es it nemaz nevaru iedomaaties! turaties!!! :*
bet kad būs tavas???
man it sevišķi pēdējās divas patīk.
es neesmu fotohigiéniska ;D
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