But it is not the right story i wanted to tell you. The thing is that yesterday my mum got me my first personal umbrella! She came to me with a smiling face, giving my a hug and saying - happy name`s day, Natalie! :D Everything would be alright if I really had a name`s day! :D As I later found out she thought I had it on 18th of august but actually it is on 26th :D I find it gargeous :D
And today I found some really cute umbrellas in the internet and I want to share the pictures with you. I love the creativity. I am definately buying one of these kinds in the immediate future!

rainbow colours

Romantic, huh? :)

*Translation - sh*t, it rains!

Always sunny and bright under it!
You can stand under my umbrella ella ella, eh eh eh! :D Peace out!
my favorite umbrella is the one in the first picture! :D I have had the failure George Bush is having in the picture, and i can say, it's quite embarrassing, but it looks so funny :D
Ha! to the George Bush pic...
Love that last umbrella with the clouds inside!
The two-handed one is SO necessary! It's so hard to walk with a friend under one or two separate umbrellas. I really like the last one a LOT.
J. Me - yeah, it looks so cool, but my friends don`t believe in this two handed umbrella,, they say that it is 100 % photoshoped, possibne, isnt it :)
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