Haven`t written for a long time. But I promise, promise, promise, not only to you, but to myslef too to writte more often.
Recently, I just looked over my blog, and realised what great emotions i get while reading all the old entries. The photos of me and my sister Emma almost made me burst into tears... It is actually such a good thing, a BLOG. Just a perfect way how to keep your memories! :)
So, the last few days I have spent in quite a rush, going to school, meeting my new schoolmates, searching for job, having job interviews, presentations and other not very interesting things.
School and my schoolmates are just great! Ofcourse, i find it very difficult to learn in french, but hopefully, after some months i will get used to it!
As for the pictures, I have made some for you. In fact, one day there was no electricity in our appartement. It was a funny day, because we realized how MANY things we can`t do without it... but there was one thing to do - to make pictures with candles... and voila... :)
My model - Mariska James

And sexy Fabian! :D

Love you all!